$49.00 USD

4 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

After you learn to use your camera like a boss, you'll want an easy way to edit them!!

Be sure to checkout the one click KCP presets for mobile or desktop! 

These presets are ready to help you get the professional look without a lot of Lightroom knowledge. They are designed to help you get a light professional edit with minimal adjustments. 

Mastering Manual Payment Plan

This course is designed with the passionate photography lover in mind. You do not need to be or want to be a professional to gain value from this course! It is for ANYONE who wants to master using their REAL camera correctly and simply without feeling overwhelmed. 

What you'll get:

  • Complete 8 module course
  • Printable PDF guides 
  • Setting Scenario Slides
  • Free access to LWK photography community

This course is valued over $500 and will change the way you capture photographs forever. We can't wait to hear about your progress! 

What People Are Saying:

"You explain things better than anyone I've ever followed!"

Brenda Howells

"Manual Mode is a game changer!"

Melena Lawson

"I've never been so inspired!"

Erin Hurst